Senate Council

Senate Council is responsible for the formulation and provision of our advice, working with the wider Senate Assembly.   A core multi-disciplinary 'steering' group of around 30 members forms the Senate Council, led by an independently appointed Chair. Bernard Brett stepped down as Chair of the Senate on 25th June 2024.  Sunil Gupta, Vice Chair has stepped into the role until a new chair is appointed

Council members include a range of clinicians from across health and social care and 3-4 patient and carer members, our Experts by Experience.

Clinical members are recruited based upon their credibility and experience in their particular professions.   They are not appointed to represent their organisations or professional bodies, ensuring that impartiality remains one of the main strengths of the Senate.

Members are appointed for three years and able to complete two terms of office.   The role description for Senate Council members can be found here.

More information about the Senate Council and how it operates can be found in the ‘Terms of Reference and Conduct of Business’ document here

Our 'Managing Conflicts of Interest' policy can also be found here

The nine Clinical Senates across England recognise that some matters will impact across the geography of more than one Clinical Senate and are committed to working collaboratively.  You can download a map and contact details for the English National Senates here.

In addition to our own publications listed here, the National Clinical Senates Advice and Review Log provides access to all the reviews and recommendations which have been published by the nine Clinical Senates since their inception in 2013.  This includes a search function which can be used to find reviews based on one or more of the following:

  • The Clinical Senate which undertook the work
  • The type of work completed (e.g. clinical review or advice)
  • The types of service e.g. ‘stroke’, ‘urgent and emergency care’, ‘acute reconfiguration’.



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