Dr David Gaunt

Emergency Medicine Consultant

David is an Emergency Medicine Consultant at Watford General Hospital.  He qualified from The Middlesex Hospital Medical School in 1988 and has had a varied training programme, including nine months as a HEMS-London Registrar (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service).  It was during this time that he fell in love with pre-hospital care, and quickly became a member of BASICS-Herts, part of the British Association for Immediate Care.

He is the Chief Clinical Information Officer for his Trust, as well as the Chair of the Informatics Committee of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, and is dedicated to improving the IT for staff and patients.

David is the Clinical Lead for Schwartz Rounds at his Trust, creating a safe environment for staff to reflect on the emotional aspect of their job.

David is married, with five children.  In what spare time he has, he enjoys cycling, eating out, listening to music and mucking about with gadgets and computers.